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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- O Professor Dr. Fernando Braz Tangerino Hernandez da Área de Hidráulica e Irrigação da UNESP Ilha Solteira ministrou palestra no dia 7 de maio de 2012 no International Workshop "Strengthening Weather and Climate Services in a Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change Perspective through Communication and Dissemination" - que teve a presença da Secretária de Agricultura do Estado de São Paulo, a Engenheira Agrônoma Mônika Bergamaschi - com o tema WEATHER INFORMATION AND DECISION SUPPORT FOR IRRIGATION IN SAO PAULO STATE - BRAZIL e abordou as atividades da UNESP Ilha Solteira de apoio aos irrigantes com ênfase na Rede Agrometeorológica do Noroeste Paulista (http://clima.feis.unesp.br), suas aplicações e oportunidades à profissionais de diferentes áreas de atuação. Além do Professor Dr. Fernando Tangerino estiveram presentes da Área de Hidráulica e Irrigação da UNESP Ilha Solteira, o Analista de sistemas Jean Carlos Quaresma Mariano, o Engenheiro Agrônomo Diego Gonçalves Feitosa e os Bolsistas de Extensão Bruno Felipe Reis da Silva e Rafael Pinho Biazotto, Graduandos em Engenharia Mecânica e Civil, respectivamente e que destacaram a importânica da presença dos Bolsistas de Extensão, uma vez que o evento tratou principalmente do trabalho desenvolvido por eles, o de democratizar a informação e o conhecimento à toda a população. Dessa forma, foi possível notar com clareza a preocupação de grandes autoridades e pesquisadores em tornar o conhecimento técnico adquirido cada vez mais acessível a todos, de forma fácil, rápida e objetiva. O Workshop repercutiu na mídia de Campinas e acordo com o Dr. Orivaldo Brunini - Coordenador o evento - " nos últimos 20 anos, se verificou um deslocamento da estação chuvosa no Estado de São Paulo e é preciso avaliar se trata de um processo contínuo ou apenas uma variabilidade climática e o workshop é importante para trazer ferramentas e ações que ajudem como levar informações para o produtor rural para que ele possa desenvolver uma agricultura sustentável tanto no cenário climático atual como no de mudanças”. Visualize a palestra inteira do Professor Dr. Fernando Braz Tangerino Hernandez e o registro fotográfico da participação da Área de Hidráulica e Irrigação da UNESP Ilha Solteira no workshop no fim desta página. Resumo da palestra Fernando Braz Tangerino Hernandez e Antonio Heriberto de Castro Teixeira The project "Modeling of Productivity of Water in River Basins with Land Use Change," funded by FAPESP (Process 2.009/52.467-4) aimed to introduce remote sensing studies that combine the concept of weather network for the study of evapotranspiration on a regional scale, absent in northwest of Sao Paulo State region. In this concept, to run models, climate information is obtained from weather stations network and entry in the model as an additional layer obtained by interpolation, where each pixel would have a different value. For it was built the Weather Network of the Northwest of São Paulo State and their data and information are available on the WEATHER Website of UNESP Ilha Solteira established in http://clima.feis.unesp.br. Thus, the WEATHER Website of UNESP Ilha Solteira provide information for the development of research with a strong extension service component, with data collected by the stations and release in the Internet in real time and as the historical basis, allows a lot of applications, increasingly relevant face of climate change and extreme events becoming more frequent. The WEATHER Website of UNESP Ilha Solteira is composed of eight automatic weather stations (Campbell CR-1000) with scan time of 10 seconds and provides daily temperature (maximum, minimum and average), humidity (maximum, minimum and average), atmospheric pressure, radiation (global, net and photosynthetic active), wind speed (average and maximum) and direction, rainfall, sunshine hours and evapotranspiration estimated by Penman-Monteith (Allen et al, 1998 and Allen et al, 2007) and the products offered are the weather data in real time with updates every five minutes, graph of last two hours (updated every 5 minutes on average values) and the last 24 hours (hourly averages) and update every 5 minutes maps direction and wind speed, temperature and humidity, rain and accumulated daily instant and map reference evapotranspiration accumulated daily are updates, from the follows sensors: anemometer (L12-03002), Quantum (LI190SB-L15), rain gauge (TB4-L15), temperature and relative humidity probe (CS215-L17), net radiometer (NR LITE-L12, barometer (CS109) and Pyranometer (LI200X-L13). The project "Modeling of Productivity of Water in River Basins with Changes in Land Use" is a partnership between UNESP Ilha Solteira e EMBRAPA Semi arid Centre (Petrolina), which installed a similar weather network in the Brazil´s northeast region. WEATHER Website of UNESP Ilha Solteira was officially launched on January 1, 2011, is one of the communication´s channels offered by the Hydraulics and Irrigation Division of UNESP Ilha Solteira, where the weather information are available and serves as a support for various research, both to researchers from UNESP, as any other institution that wants to work with the climatic in northwest of São Paulo State. Consultants can also avail themselves of the data provided by UNESP to perform climate analyzes and/or studies for environmental licensing in the region. WEATHER Website of UNESP Ilha Solteira is divided into three basic core search and access: (A) to set the weather station and follow to access graphs and tables about everything that happens in the region in real time, (B) to access all the historical basis and still to make comparisons between weather variables and also do the calculations in the database and (C) to access the products offered, which are graphs and maps of real-time monitoring of all stations and the main weather such as temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, rainfall, evapotranspiration, atmospheric pressure and global and net radiation. WEATHER Website of UNESP Ilha Solteira in their first year of operation (2011) was visited by 7,197 people in 22,937 visits that resulted 88,400 page views (3.85 page view per visit) and 7 minutes was the average time the site. From January to April 2012 the Weather Website had the following hits: 4.458 people in 9,204 visits with 52,093 page view (5.66 page view per visit) and 9 minutes was the average time of access. These results show that there is a increasing interest in weather information for the population. Based on information from the WEATHER Website, the Weather Bulletin is often published in the Blog of Hydraulic and Irrigation Division of UNESP Ilha Solteira in http://irrigacao.blogspot.com. Veja abaixo algumas fotos do evento e os slides utilizados pelo Profº Tangerino em sua palestra.
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