Gonçalves - RS - 07 a 10 de dezembro de 1999
A viticultura de mesa é de grande importância econômica e se desenvolve no noroeste paulista com o imprescindível uso da irrigação. Em contraste com o alto nível tecnológico empregado em práticas culturais, o manejo da aplicação da água vem sendo realizado de forma empírica, pois não há informações de pesquisa sobre a demanda hídrica da cultura na região e não há por parte dos viticultores tradição no uso desta técnica. Isto posto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi de avaliar o consumo de água pela videira nos diferentes estádios fenológicos e comparar o manejo da irrigação através do uso do Tanque Classe A e segundo a tradição do viticultor. O experimento foi instalado em Marinópolis-SP, em um parreiral formado pela variedade Benitaka estabelecido à 7 anos, com irrigação por aspersão sob copa. Para tanto, a parreira foi dividida ao meio totalizando 100 plantas para cada tratamento. As variáveis analisadas, tanto na poda de renovação quanto na de produção consistiram de avaliações quinzenais, a partir da poda, do comprimento dos ramos, número de gemas verdes e maduras e após o florescimento também foram realizadas avaliações da largura e comprimento médio dos cachos previamente marcados, diâmetro e peso médio das bagas, teores de Sólidos Totais e Acidez Total. Na ocasião da colheita foram contados o número total de cachos e a produção total por planta. Os resultados obtidos levaram à conclusão de que o manejo da irrigação pelo Tanque Classe A possibilitou ao viticultor economizar água e energia sem perdas na produção da videira. Porém, verificou-se também que o coeficiente de cultivo (Kc) sugerido pela FAO precisa ser ajustado, pois além de superestimar as necessidades hídricas da cultura, faz-se necessário a diferenciação deste quando da poda de produção e da poda de renovação. (Anais... p.148, 1999) Table
grape vineyards are of great economic importance in the northwestern
region of São Paulo, and they are successfully conducted only
with the practice of irrigation. Contrasting with the high technology
employed in cultural practices, water usage management has been employed
empirically, due to the fact there isn´t research conducted on
the consumptive use of the crop for this region. Moreover, this technique
is not traditionally used among vineyard growers. The objective of this
paper is to evaluate grape water consumption at different phenological
plant stages and to compare the management of irrigation between the
Class A pan and vineyard growers traditionally employed methods. The
site was a vineyard composed of a 7-yr old Benitaka grape variety, with
undercanopy sprinkler, and located in Marinópolis, São
Paulo state. The vineyard was split into two halves, with each treatment
composed of 100 plants. Variables included in the analyses, both during
‘renewal' pruning and production periods, consisted of biweekly evaluations,
starting at pruning, of branch length and number of immature and mature
buds. After flowering measurements of width and length of previously
selected clusters, berry diameter and weight, oBrix and Titrable Acidity
were also taken. During harvest the total number of clusters and total
production per plant were registered. Results indicate that irrigation
management through Class A pan allowed the grower to save water and
energy without a decrease in production. However, was verified that
the crop coefficient suggested by FAO needs to be adjusted, for it overestimated
the water needs of the crop. Besides, it needs to be adjusted for the
different pruning periods.
bud fertility has been studied for quite some time. It is based on the
process of physiological induction of a primordial cluster inside of
fruit bud, which is triggered by several factors, especially climate.
A plunge in production verified in the last yield in the region of Jales,
São Paulo state, directly related to a low grapevine bud fertility,
led us to conduct a survey on the climatic conditions, soil moisture
and fertility in some grapeyards between the period of vegetative to
fruit bud induction. Climatic data were collected from an automated
climatic station deployed in Marinópolis, São Paulo, operating
since August 1998. Soil moisture and fertility were collected from two
grapeyards (one with decrease in production and another considered as
‘normal') nearby. Results indicated that an adequate irrigation management
can minimize the problem with bud fertility, for growers use to irrigate
their commodities excessively. Furthermore, rainfall induced the maintenance
of soil moisture at high levels along its profile, which was extremely
harmful to the development of cluster buds. We also verified there are
large nutritional variations that could have contributed for this low
bud fertility, since high moisture would turn nutrients more available,
especially nitrogen. However, the lack of historical climatic data hinders
a better interpretation of there maining factors involved in the process
of induction of fruit bud.
grape crops have been an option towards the diversification of agriculture
in the ‘Nova Alta Paulista' region of São Paulo. Throughout the
west of the state, vineyard irrigigation is required, since its productive
cicle occurs during the period of drought (March through December).
However, since vineyard crops are relatively new in the region, there
are no established water application techniques; most vineyards are
irrigated from gravity pans or tanks and sprinkler over canopy. Only
in 1997 microsprinkler was introduced in the region. The objective of
this research was to characterize the water storage in the soil according
to different systems of localized irrigation systems: subsurface drip
irrigation (IGS), surface drip irrigation (IGO), microsprinkler with
a rod fixed to the ground (IMA) and inverted microsprinkler underneath
the canopy (IMI), which are being employed in Irapuru, São Paulo
state, in a 6-yr old Itália grape variety. The matric potentials
were obtained by daily readings in tensiometers adapted for digital
pulse tensimeters, deployed at the depths of 0.15, 0.30 and 0.45 m.
Daily water storage in soil was estimated by the model of Genuchten,
and compared with the available water capacity (AWC). Results indicated
that for similar hidrologic values, and for any period of the year and
profile studied, water storage in the soil decreases with the use of
the systems IGS, IGO, IMA and IMI, showing the necessity of the adoption
of different irrigation efficiency values among these systems.
http://www.agr.feis.unesp.br/IRRIGACAO.html |